Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sears and one of the worse Mommy days

OK Let me start of saying in the middle of this "experience" Rylee told me, "Mom, you have to put this on your blog."

On Friday afternoon I decided to go to Sears after Rylee's swimming lessons to look for a new swimsuit. I should have know it was a bad idea from the get go because Mason wouldn't get out of the car and I had to get in the backseat and discipline him. Well, So I went in and got sidetracked from just getting my swimsuit by all the good deals (50% off clearance prices) so I just ignored my kids who were running around screaming and kept looking. So an hour or so later after scanning every department Rylee said, "Ayden pooped" (remember the Darren story...I should have learned!!). I looked at her and it wasn't just a poopy diaper it was running down her leg and she was wearing a dress. Remember I was just running in, in other words I didn't have a diaper bag or purse or anything just my wallet. So I pulled the cart full of clothes to the desk and asked if I could come back later. So I look for my wallet, keys and phone in the cart, NO KEYS or phone!! So I thought, Ayden probably tossed them out as they were running around. I was asking all the sales people to help me find them, picture me doing this trying to drag Ayden around because I couldn't pick her up. So I decided, I will go in the bathroom scoop out the poop, wipe her leg off and then go and look for my keys. So then I piece this nasty diaper on Ayden and walk out holding her hand to try to find my keys. I get 15 ft away from the bathroom and walk in front of two ladies and Ayden's diaper FALLS OFF. They pointed and said, "OH there's the bathroom" (which I had just come out of). I had to go back in there. So I try repositioning it and it kinda worked. So then I was retracing my steps when we got to Sears. Rylee and I put together that I just had my wallet when we got there. SO I walked to Darren's car and saw my cell phone but no sign of my keys. I figured they were in there somewhere. The diaper issues were temporarily solved by wrapping Rylee swimsuit coverup between Ayden's legs to hold on the nasty diaper. Finally I realized that I needed to call a locksmith because we only have one key to that car. So the nice security guy ( a 20 year old guy) helped me call his friend's dad who is a locksmith and they unlocked it in 5 mins and charged me $50 cash or $65 credit card. The keys were in Ayden's carseat with a towel (we had just been to the beach) over them. Darren at this time had met me at Sears and Ayden had fallen asleep wrapped in swimsuit cover up in a Sears cart. Darren took the kids home and I went in a bought a $18 swimsuit that really cost me $68 and a whole lot of embarrassment!!


Anne said...

Oh, that's quite a trip. But I thoroughly enjoyed reading it. Of course, that's only because I was the innocent bystander and not the mommy. Poor Trish!

Renee said...

Yikes! What a nightmare!

l said...

See, you are a real trooper! If that were me, I would've just gone home and raided the fridge and gone to bed. But you went back in and finished the shopping trip!

emveeck said...

I laughed out loud reading this and felt so sorry for you too! Now I have to read it to Ed :) I locked anna libby and I out of the car a few weeks ago at the dollar store. After searching the dollar store (about 10 times) and the scrapbook store for an hour we still couldn't find the keys. I had already pushed them past their limit before the fiasco. Libby is starving and no one is answering their phone. We had to call a tow truck because that is my only key and they need the car at the dealership to make a new key. Just before the tow truck arrives Anna spots my keys on the roof of the car. I set them their when I was taking Libby out of the stroller. Gotta Laugh! Did I tell you I am hooked on for the link.

emveeck said...

I was laughing out loud reading your story...I think I could easily see myself doing the same thing! In fact a few weeks ago while I locked Libby Anna and I out of the car at the dollar store. After an hour of searching the dollar store (about 10 times) for my keys, and the scrapbook store I called a tow truck because that is our only key and they could only make a new key at the dealership. Right before the tow truck arrives Anna spots my keys on top of the car:)

jenny said...

Oh, I feel your pain...and if it ever happens again you can run up the block to my house for a diaper and childcare!!

Trisha said...

Missy--good to know that I am not alone!!

Jenny--why didn't I think of coming over!@! Thanks for the offer but I hope it never happens again!