Monday, August 4, 2008

My experiment for last week

I decided that I wasn't gonna do laundry until I put everyone's laundry away. I hate that part. So two weeks went by and I realize one morning that I had no underware and I had to wear swimsuit bottoms that day. That day with Darren's help I put everyone's laundry away and started the HUGE pile in my laundry room. I will put all this laundry away!?!


Renee said...

I hate folding/putting away the clothes as well! So now I will fold it, but the kids put them away! If only that work for my clothes :) I still have to do those.

l said...

My laundry couch currently has more clothes on it than we have in our closets, so I feel your pain! In the past when it's gotten bad, I've taken to putting all the laundry on our bed in the evening so I can't go to bed until it's done. That's pretty sad.

Anne said...

Oh, yeah, the putting away is not my favorite either. I have done with Amy has, if it's on the bed, it must be taken care of before entering it. However, Dave seems to think if it's on the bed, then it can easily go on the floor as well. So much for that idea!