Friday, August 28, 2009

Playgroup -Yah!!

Here are the dates and themes for Kenosha Bible Playgroup 2009-2010 year!!

September 11 Can you tell me how to get?
September 25 Pirates and Princesses
October 9 God is Groovy
October 23 Jesus Light my way
November 13 Give Thanks
December 13 Happy Birthday Jesus
January 8 All the Children of the world
January 22 Movie Morning
February 12 He Loves us
February 26 Mixed up day
March 12 Jesus is my rock
March 26 He lives!
April 23 Dios es el amor
May 14 Walking with Jesus
May 28 Outdoor Playgroup

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Dear Moms ~

Do you currently have authentic community?

Are you looking for an authentic community to be a part of?

Not sure what an "authentic community" even is?

Then plan on being in community with other moms as we launch off our new MOPS year!

Our mommy shuttles will depart Wednesday September 2nd* at 9:30 as we explore our lives "Together on Planet Mom"!
(Your little shooting stars can be dropped off in their MOPPETS classrooms beginning at 9:15.)

First Christian Church MOPS
1st and 3rd Wednesdays
9:15 - 11:30

13022 Wilmot Rd.
Kenosha, WI 53142

Where two or three are gathered together...there I am with them. Matthew 18:20

*Due to the Kenosha school schedule, September 2nd will be our only meeting for September. So plan on coming to our first meeting and get the encouragement and support you need as a mother now!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Rylee's Haircut

So I made Rylee get a haircut for back to school. It was another "trim" of about 3 inches. I also made her get bangs because I couldnt stand the hair hanging in her eyes ( I have become my mother because that is what my Mom said to me all the time). Unfortunately she looks older.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

school lunches

I am gonna be packing 3 school lunches this year. My mother in law gave me an article about different ideas to include in there lunches.

Here is the website

Here are a few ideas from the article

Cookie cutter shaped sandwiches
add apple slices, raisins or banana to traditional pb and j
whole grain pita (which I did buy to try with the kids) or bagels or tortillas
cubed fruit with yogurt dip
trail mixes

Thursday, August 20, 2009

WOW its been a while!

I guess that I havent had anything too exciting going on.

We are trying to cram Summer in the last two weeks. Sleepovers, days at the beach, movies , all the fun stuff before school starts again. All the kids are going to be going to school the first week of September. Rylee and Mason start the 1st and Ayden will go that Thursday, all day. The girls are excited and Mason "hates school". I think he just enjoys saying hate.

Its raining here today and so the kids are just playing Wii and watching movies. Gotta love that we can have a day to do that!!!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Rylee's Violin Concert

Rylww took summer violin lessons through Kenosha Unified School district. She really enjoyed it. They had a concert for all the beginning students. There were about 150 on stage at the same time. When they came out all the parents started standing up waving at the kids. It was like popcorn. Once some one did then everyone around them did it. The place was really big. So here is a picture of a guy doing it. I thought it was funny and ridiculus so I took his picture. The concert itself was really great. I was scared at the thought of all those kids and thought it might be a lot of screeching. The songs were the basics-mary had a little lamb, twinkle twinkle but it did sound good. My friend Sherilyn was in front of me. She said "I never have seen a standing ovation for twinkle twinkle." It's true but I was proud of Rylee and the other kids.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Yoda and Ayden

This was the other day while the kids were at a tennis lesson. Yoda isn't really tolerant of little kids but Ayden can do just about anything to him before he gets annoyed. She really likes him. I'm not sure if the feeling is mutual.