Saturday, August 22, 2009

school lunches

I am gonna be packing 3 school lunches this year. My mother in law gave me an article about different ideas to include in there lunches.

Here is the website

Here are a few ideas from the article

Cookie cutter shaped sandwiches
add apple slices, raisins or banana to traditional pb and j
whole grain pita (which I did buy to try with the kids) or bagels or tortillas
cubed fruit with yogurt dip
trail mixes

1 comment:

Anne said...

We pack lunches pretty much every day. Carissa informed me today that it's almost peanut butter and jelly time again! We do lots of different sandwich combos, pitas, bagels, tortillas, bread, etc. And, always a veggie and fruit. I'm not overly creative though I'm sure the kids wish I was!
Woo hoo, only 8 more days until packing time!!