Thursday, August 21, 2008

My experiment for next week

I was catching up on my magazine reading on vacation and I was inspired by a family that once a month "unplugs". We are going to try it. Since I tell Rylee and Mason to go outside and play for 10 mins and after 2 mins they say "can we come in yet?" Starting Monday, No TV, No computer, no video games (we don't really do these), etc. I am thinking Ayden is even gonna have a hard time (baby einsteins is big right now). I figured it will be the perfect week and we can get out and enjoy the last of summer. It will be hardest for me during the day. OK at night too now that I think about it. I am gonna schedule some posts while MIA. Pray for me and my sanity!


Anonymous said...

Good for you! I hated that my mom limited our tv so much... but i will probably do the same for the boys, lol!

The Herings said...

I don't know if I could do it. I always have my laptop on (Granted, I do teach an online class). Paige would die. She could watch the same tv show back to back and not think twice. Is it a girl thing?

l said...

I think it's a great idea! We've tried no tv before, but I'm the one who can't live without it. I've thought about taking a break from the computer though! I don't last too long....

Anne said...

We had a sorta unplugged day today, but it was due to the kids behavior while shoe shopping. (BTW, I got the cutest shoes at Shopko today!) Tonight Simon said, I don't mind that we had no tv, I had lots of fun anyway and I loved riding bikes with you Mama! You can take my tv away anytime. MMMhmmm, we'll see how long that lasts.