Monday, July 28, 2008

You look skinny in that outfit?!

Okay this is what my husband said on his way out the door. My outfit is navy blue shorts and a plain cream tshirt, no makeup and my hair not even brushed. It's funny what guys notice and when. He didn't mention anything when we went to a wedding Saturday and I actually had my hair done, makeup on and a new dress. It's the only comment he has made in the 7 months that I have been doing weight watchers (beside the comment after a month of WW when he said "Your butt doesn't look as big"(I know that he truly meant that as a compliment)).

Hey, I will take today's compliment and try to wear this outfit more often.


Renee said...

a complement is a complement any way you get it!

Anne said...

Just say 'thank you' and leave it at that. I think he really was hinting at something else, wink wink, nudge, nudge!