Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Things that bring me joy- a gift from Darren

Darren got me a gift for Christmas that he and I love. THE PEDIEGG!! It is from Walgreens and its an egg shaped foot dryskin filer. Its amazing the amount of dead skin it collects in the little container. Darren is liking it to and is man enough to admit it (I have the pink pediegg and he doesn't even care). I not only like that it's taking off all that grossness but then to see it collected all is one spot (in the lid) is exciting. I have issues...

Anyway, I would highly recommend you get a Pediegg if you have a lot of dry skin on your heels and feet. I would say you could borrow mine but I don't think that would be a good idea??


Stacy said...

I have wondered if this thng really worked. glad to hear it does:)

Anne said...

Oh, I'm craving me some PedEgg.