Friday, December 19, 2008

let it ...stop snowing

Today was a snow day. We got about 10-12 inches since midnight last night. School was cancelled and Darren didn't go to work. Since we don't own a snow blower, it took Darren and I an hour to shovel and then him by himself another 45 minutes. As we were shoveling, I asked him why don't we have a snow blower. He said because he never had one growing up???? HHMMMM? Should I take his Christmas present back and get him a snow blower?


Anne said...

So with you on the snow blower. We don't have one either and after literally hours shoveling the driveway and end of driveway (and the plow hasn't gone through since 4:30 this morning) I am soooo ready to get one. How can I convince my husband??

Renee said...

We have one, but it was my dad's and is older than me! It only works if you giggle this part and push the other button...but it was free, and it does it's job (sometimes) :)

Tracy Jean said...

I am glad you got him one---he'll love it -- it will go so much quicker---not that I have ever used ours -I just know Mike comes inside a lot quicker since he got ours :)