Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I am dreaming of a ....

I want to know why in my mind I have this ideal of what Christmas looks like and then reality is so different. In my mind, Darren and I aren't arguing over the Christmas lights. We are all sitting around eating cookies underneath the tree sipping hot chocolate. My perfect scene forgets about who made the hot chocolate and cookies and all the other details. Oh well, I need to let go and focus on the real reason we have Christmas! Maybe if I do that I won't care about the ideal "Christmas".

1 comment:

Anne said...

It's hard to let go of our 'perfect' Christmas image. But, if you even let go of one of the things you feel you 'must: be doingthing, you will find yourself enjoying Christmas even more. I have celebrated Christmas with no tree, with a tree, with lots of family, with just us, with great decorating, with just a few measly candy canes and you know what? The ones that really were the best were the ones with family. The decorations might be nice, but really, I would give anything to have my Mom back just one more year. Do what you can with what you have, pray for patience to deal with the rest and enjoy the wonder of the season.
Merry Christmas!