Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Toliet Seat

I am very tempted to post a picture on here but I am not going to!! You are welcome. WHY OH WHY does my son get poop on the toliet seat? Or should I say HOW OH HOW? It's not just a little bit, it is smeared all over!!!! I am sorry but I don't get it. I am going to make him scrub the toilet when he gets home but I don't even understand how or why??? (Then I will really scrub it) It's so gross to go into the bathroom and see that. Rylee would have never done anything like that?! These boys are another breed. Does anyone know how much those toliets are at the airport (ohara) that have the covers that automatically come out? I think I need to invest in one. I think they flush too...don't get me started on that one.


Anne said...

0nly one comment....eeeeuuuuu!

Tracy Jean said...

It's a boy thing!