Sunday, June 20, 2010

trisha s book review

Please Stop Laughing at Me: One Woman's Inspirational Story Please Stop Laughing at Me: One Woman's Inspirational Story by Jodee Blanco

My rating: 1 of 5 stars
I just finished this book. To me it was about a whiny child that continued to be rescued out of every hard situation. It's hard for me to believe that at 4 !!! schools you were physically abused because you stood up for the underdog. Maybe I am too far removed from high school but I remember bullying but I certaintly don't remember people standing by while students were being abused. I know bullying is still part of the school system but I want to hope that it is NO where near the extent of abuse that is told in this book. I didnt think this book was inspirational at all I though it was UNBELIEVEABLE.

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