Friday, February 13, 2009

10 things I love in honor of LOVE day-

I challenge you to take a few minutes---don't think about it too much--and put 10 things you love---besides the obvious-- on your blog!! or respond in my comments.

1. Ear Wax - I have a love hate relationship with it
2. Diet Coke--It's my drug of choice.
3. When the Lord shows me later (sometimes years later) why He did what He did---know what I mean??
4. Oreos--I can't buy them because I don't share!!
5. Finishing a book and wish it didn't finish!!
6. Darren rubbing my back!! Love it and wish he could follow me around all day doing it.
7. A bargain--any time, any where, any thing
8. When my kids say words wrong and say it that way all the time and don't know or care that they are saying it wrong. For example Mason says Teeter Tots for Tater tots.
9. My toe nails painted - bonus to have a pedicure
10. Naptime - for the kids but occasionally even me!!

1 comment:

Anne said...

I did mine on my blog. It was fun.
My favorite of yours is the earwax one. I don't know whether to laugh or be a little grossed out!