Thursday, February 26, 2009

like I have enough time for this

I couldn't stop making snowflakes.

Monday, February 23, 2009

I have a New nephew!!

I am very excited to announce that my sister Shannon and her hubby Ryan had a baby boy today!! Miles Ramsey (she says it's not after Dave Ramsey) McWaters was born today and he weighed 7 lbs 2 oz. I can't wait to see pictures! It stinks being so far away!! But we will see him over spring break!!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Father Daughter School Dance

Saturday night Darren and Rylee went to their first dance together. They had a great night. Here are some pictures.

Friday, February 20, 2009

you know you are cheap....

When you want to use a coupon to Big Lots!! Thought I would share!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Tonight, Mason asked Darren to come up and tuck him in and Darren was busy getting the trash together and kinda ignoring him (cant blame him because Mason drags it on and on). Mason yells down, "Don't you speak my language?"

Has he been watching Oprah or something?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Jenny's wedding

Ice Sculpture with the wedding "logo" filled with trays of shrimp

Tracy and Mike, Scott and Darren and I

Darren and I

The tables were wonderfully decorated.

Mom and Dad

We went to Indy the weekend of Valentines to go to my cousin Jenny's wedding. It was a gorgeous wedding. I never got a great picture of my cousin in her beautiful dress. Here are a few snapshots.

Friday, February 13, 2009

10 things I love in honor of LOVE day-

I challenge you to take a few minutes---don't think about it too much--and put 10 things you love---besides the obvious-- on your blog!! or respond in my comments.

1. Ear Wax - I have a love hate relationship with it
2. Diet Coke--It's my drug of choice.
3. When the Lord shows me later (sometimes years later) why He did what He did---know what I mean??
4. Oreos--I can't buy them because I don't share!!
5. Finishing a book and wish it didn't finish!!
6. Darren rubbing my back!! Love it and wish he could follow me around all day doing it.
7. A bargain--any time, any where, any thing
8. When my kids say words wrong and say it that way all the time and don't know or care that they are saying it wrong. For example Mason says Teeter Tots for Tater tots.
9. My toe nails painted - bonus to have a pedicure
10. Naptime - for the kids but occasionally even me!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Hearts at home

Hey friends. I am thinking about attending the Hearts at Home conference and wondered if any of you have attended and what speakers you would suggest?!

Monday, February 9, 2009

worry vs concern

I am reading a book called " Having a Mary Heart in A Martha World". The book is based on the Mary and Martha story in the bible. This chart I thought was important and wanted to share.


+Involves a legitimate threat
+Is specific (one thing)
+Addresses the problem
+Solves problems
+Looks to God for answer


+Is often unfounded
+Is generalized (many things)
+Obsesses about the problem
+Creates more problems
+Looks to self or others for answers

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Mason Drive in movie night

Here is mason in the car we made and finished an hour before Awana. They decorate a box into a car and then watch a movie in it!! They have a ton of fun! He wanted a skull on it. I made him put a license plate that said "Jesus Rocks"

Monday, February 2, 2009

Wisconsin Weather

Again with another weather post but I had to post this picture. Only in Wisconsin is 39 degrees a heat wave!!!!!! This was on the 10 oclock news last night.