Monday, June 30, 2008

Mason's movie review - Wall-E

Trisha's movie review will expand to include Mason's review...I will add my two cents at the end.

Mason gives the movie WALL-e 5 stars out of 5 stars. He liked that it was silly and "there was nonsense". It was weird. Eva acted silly.

Ok he doesn't know what else?!!

I would definitely not give it 5 stars even though many reviewer have. The animation was really good and it looked real at times. What I didn't like was that there was no talking for the first 45 mins. It was driving me crazy. I finally decided that a man had made this movie. Really it was a love story between to robots and there were some tender (yes the robots were tender). I would rate this 3 diet cokes out of 5.

1 comment:

Renee said...

Ok, so the first few minutes were "no talking" but I found it funny! The whole movie has an interesting message. Pick up the earth, and don't get lazy! Hmm...could this really happen?? Makes you think! And coming from a kids cartoon! I would agree with Mason and give it a 5 cokes.

(one note...Hannah says there are some scarey part)