Couldnt really think of anything low key to do tonight so we are "Camping out" in the backyard. Emma said its the best day of her life! We had roasted hot dogs and smores. Good cheap fun!!
Hey! We are having an awesome week at VBS!! The kids have tons of energy and I love to hear them praising God. I have about 22 kids in my group of 3rd and 4th graders. Rylee and Emma and several of Rylee's friends are in my group of Falcons (our group name). The theme is SonRock and its about Peter. Tomorrow is the last day.
I know now that I was not meant to have any more kids. My nephew and niece are here spending the weekend with us and it's exhausting. Kudos to you if you have that many! We are having a fun time but I am ready for bed....
We had a fun family reunion in Indianapolis with my cousins, aunts and uncles. Here is a picture of my cousins and all my cousins and siblings kids. The oldest is 9 and the youngest is 4 months.
It was great to have family in town this week. Grandma and Grandpa Kochie and Aunt Paula were in from Ohio. I didn't take 1 picture,URGH. I forgot my camera twice. It's really special that they make that LONG drive to come see us!
My computer has been funky all week but Darren my genius husband fixed it so I am now up!! I am addicted to my friend, computer. I knew that I was but it is now confirmed.